What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy? What does the Learn look like at YOUR school? 

I have noted down below what Learn looks like with some of the frameworks and programmes we have going on in our Kura that I feel really display the Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy. We recognise effective practice through teachers ongoing reflections and collaborative planning. By trialling new approaches to support the different learning needs through Spiral of Inquiry. We Amplify effective practice through empowering students to take lead of their learning in these programmes and the use of their School Values. Turbocharge effective practice is done through different learning pathways such as STEM and LEGO Robotics where students are provided with the opportunity to experience things they have never done before and use that new learning to  collaboratively create something together in groups/classes.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

WOW! There was a lot of things I learnt today that I felt will definitely improve my confidence and workflow as a professional. 

Google Keep: 

Google Keep would definitely have to be my new learning today and where I learnt quite a lot of things. I definitely feel this would help me stay on top of all the extracurricular activities I have within the school and knowing what tasks I have to do. I love the idea that these notes can be done on the go as well with it being accessible on your phone. I was amazed by grab image text as I find that when at PD's I would usually come across some good resources and end up having to write them down but with grab image text this allows me to take a photo and then the text from the image that I've taken a photo of is written down instantly🤯😎 It's a great way of digitising old resources so that they can still be used. I will definitely be trialling this with the lack of Samoan resources. Voice record is awesome because I know I'm not the only one whose brain decides to think of ideas while out and about 😂so being able to record your notes and this being transcribed is amazing. The cool thing is the audio can also be left there with the note for you to listen to incase of the use of another language and any misunderstanding.

Google Mail- GMAIL:

I have only accessed my emails through MAIL instead of GMAIL but I have noticed the benefits by using gmail which allows me be more efficient with time management by connecting important dates to my google calendar and google keep notes instantly so I will definitely be using gmail from now on!☺️

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Google Keep: 

I felt this could be helpful for students to help organise their tasks and assignments for when they are due. Help keep them accountable for themselves instead of always depending on teacher. 

I also noticed Pinning tabs was something helpful because I have students with learning needs when working on their chromebooks they find it diffficult to access different apps so by having them pin tabs that we are constantly using this will help as well as bookmarking tabs so that when students jump on to google chrome these links are always there for them to access.

Having seeing the Turbocharge around the Treaty of Waitangi I would definitely like to check that out with my students as I was quite interested when Vicki has shared it with us.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Google Calendar

This is something I really feel will help my personal life and just managing my time better. I love the idea of sharing calendars with your team because I find when letting teachers know about certain dates for events, EOTC, observations, shared calendars definitely help keep everyone aware of whats coming up. It also helps keep you aware when organising and planning things and the availability of others. I'm interested in exploring more ways I could utilise slots because it sounds awesome but not too sure on how I could use that right now (watch this space 😂). 


Our group facilitator Phil had taught us about how to change our gmail settings so that we were also able to send and email and send to archives. Being a teacher we automatically receive so many emails but being able to organise my emails so that unnecessary emails that come through can instantly be moved to archives and my inbox does not have to be so full. This as well as changing setting for undo a email being sent. I can admit that I am that person who tends to send an email and then realise I forgot to add something so having changed the undo setting to 30secs this allows me to undo the email and add in any missing information and resend it again😊

This is the video recording we were given as a task while on google meet. My partner was Julie and I was having issues with my google meet with recording so this video is of my amazing partner Julie answering her questions. 


  1. Kia ora Gillian. Thanks for sharing another thorough reflection on your day. I'm glad you got so many useful ideas. I'm a big Keep fan too and use it all the time! I think your Meet recording issues should be fixed so let me know if you are able to record now.

  2. Awesome Gillian - I love how you relate everything to your own learning and our students learning. It is a voyage of discovery - right!

  3. Kia ora Gillian,
    I really enjoyed reading that blog post. I found it really interesting seeing what Learn looks like at your school and it has helped me to do some good reflecting on what Learn looks like at my kura. Especially as we do some of the same things! It's awesome you had so many great take-aways from the last session, and a good reminder for me for some of the things I hadn't noted down. Thanks for sharing!


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