MANAIAKALANIDigital Fluency IntensiveCore Business

I have really enjoyed learning about the background and kaupapa of Manaiakalani and seeing where it is today. I love the idea of schools working together with communities to support our tamariki's learning by staying connected, empowered, visible and ubiquitous. I understand that digital learning is definitely a hook into this generation as they definitely are the 'swipe' generation 😎 I also understand that with Manaiakalani GOOGLE plays a big part and the use of all the different apps we have learnt today has also been very helpful with understanding how the kaupapa and pedagogy looks like.

I work in a Samoan Bilingual Unit where we plan and teach from Yr's 1-8 and there are times where we would meet in year levels as a school so what I found really helpful is the shift+z so that I can make a copy of doc's used in different year levels and place that into our Team planning and being able to always see changes that are made throughout the whole school so I know this shortcut has been very helpful.
I also enjoyed learning about google groups as this was new for me and I never realised how helpful this could be especially when emails can be a pain when having to scroll through so many just to find a particular email. I do find myself being quite involved with extracurricular activities within the school so by using groups this can help me manage my emails for those different activities. It can allow myself as well as others to find information, resources, links from the past.
Organising My Drive! Love the idea of allowing students to clean their drives just like how they would clean their desks at the end of the day. It also gives the teacher time to organise their drive as well. 😅
My group facilitator Phil introduced us to Group Tab which I found absolutely magic! lol I believe I'm not the only teacher who would have a collection of tabs so having learnt this I know this will help me find my way through tabs easily.

Creating with docs has been fun! Being a Bilingual Classroom teacher, I am usually creating worksheets and resources for my class but now that students have devices to work on there are much more tasks that can be created through docs. I love the idea of students being able to create posters and art on the doc as I never would've thought that art could be done on doc so looking forward to trying these new things with my students. This was me trialling creating a poster with docs where if students wanted more information they could click on a picture to watch a video on how it it done. It's not the best but it was definitely engaging

I can't wait to trial voice typing with my students. I always thought this would be useful for myself but I love the idea of students recording themselves read this however would only work for when they read in English and not in Samoan. This will help encourage reading fluency and just encourage students to have confidence and enjoyment for reading.

I love the idea of Scavenger hunt being used on docs. As a learner I found it really helped me learn different tools and functions on docs so I can imagine how much my students will love challenging their learning and understanding with docs through this task. 😊

Today's session was quite full on but I have to say I really enjoyed the challenge. I realised that new experiences will always be daunting at first but I am grateful for our small bubbles/groups because it allows me to really be open and just share if there are any challenges I come across. I'm looking forward to our next session 😊


  1. Talofa Gillian. I'm glad you see potential with so many of the areas we covered in session 1, both with your colleagues and your students. I also love voice typing, it's a real game changer for some students and their attitudes towards writing. Looking forward to session 2!

  2. Morena Gillian - beautiful mahi. Looking forward to sharing this journey!

  3. Kia ora Gillian,
    I so agree about the value of those organisational tools and tricks like Shift+Z and grouping tabs. You're not the only one with way too tabs open at a time! Looking forward to exploring new learning with you today, as you say the small bubble groups are great.


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